I could put these pictures next to each other – literally spelling out aids- and she’s too slow and misses every point- especially that my father was left untreated by the VA – as they did not fund to treat Lyme or bartonella- which gave me congenital aids- and which sexually spread aids to Tori- and my fathers mother 100% had #aids- and died of Covid-19 from untreated Lyme disease and bartonella
And Alex- also born with congenital aids
Do you see how she literally cannot read ?
It’s the same situation- Amy could not grasp that the public healthcare system failed to treat her drug addict mom- who gave her congenital aids- and she transmitted it to her husband- who was left untreated through the VA – giving him aids
Do you see what I mean when I say they all sound the same, act the same, and lash out identically – especially at the only person who at any point In time tried to keep them alive
#ukraine #ukrainian #indigenous #russia #russian #russians #german #germany #azov #europe #EU #UK #war #china #biowarfare #lyme #lymedisease #lymediseaseawareness #italy #india #canada #canadian #weapons #military #warinukraine #covid19