14 Latest Diamond Tattoo Designs for Men and Women

By Deep

Diamond tattoos are going to become mainstream tattoos as today many men and women go for various diamond tattoo designs for different reasons. This can be depicted as a single image or can be combined with several elements. It’s incredible shapes are very pretty and perhaps many choose it just for this reason. But there are some interesting meanings which also inspire to get a diamond tattoo.


In this article we will speak about diamond tattoo designs and will discuss their symbolization. If you are thinking of going for such tattoo then have a look at the images where you can find beautiful examples of diamond tattoos.



We usually consider diamond as wealth and a decoration in the world of fashion. It’s the most precious natural stone from which people create astounding jewelry. They love to wear them on their rings, watches, necks as means of decorations. Diamond has a delightful shine that allures many of us. It’s sometimes called “a woman’s best friend” as every woman likes to have a piece of diamond.


The word diamond comes from Greek and means unbreakable. It represents strength, power and invincibility. Diamond is generally associated with richness and some people may do everything to get it. These stones first appear rough on the outside but once they are cleaned and elaborated they bring out the ravishing beauty that no other natural stone has. There are different types of diamonds. You can see blue, white, red and yellow diamonds according which people choose tattoo designs matching them with their preferences.


Speaking about the meanings that diamond tattoos represent we can say that there are a few fascinating and inspiring symbolization that they hold. So, besides standing for strength and wealth they also represent purity, love, beauty, luxury, power and infinity. Many people choose these tattoos just for the charm they bring to the body. They sometimes combine it with flowers, butterflies, stars, glitters, crowns, quotes and alike.



You can get them in different sizes and on any body part you like. The designs vary between the simplest to the most complicated shapes. You may wear a simple shape of a diamond in neutral black ink or you can choose a colorful design. The smallest designs are usually worn on fingers, hand, and wrist, behind the ear, neck, ankle and foot. Those who wish to get an eye-catching and very flashy tattoo can go for larger designs which can be depicted on back, chest, stomach, arm, lower back, leg and so on.


They can be inked in 3D style bringing out the spiffy luxury of the diamond. Consider the fact that tattoos are for your whole life and if you want to have an image of a diamond on your body make sure you really need it.








