Awesome Star Tattoos & Ideas For Men And Women
If you have a look at the sky at night you’ll see so many stars that you will not be able to count all. Stars are the ornaments of the sky.
They both pretty and mysterious. People love to have their personal attitude towards stars. Many of them like the idea to choose a star which goes with their nature, that’s why there are many people who want to wear a star tattoo. In this article we’ll speak about the designs and the meanings of star tattoos. Here you can also see 15 Fantastic Star Tattoo Ideas for Men and Women.#1
So, there are two kinds of star tattoos: Nautical and Pentagram. Star designs are used in different types of tattoos such as tribal, 3D, watercolor and shooting. Each star tattoo has it’s meaning but the most common one is that it represents protection, hope and goals of a person. You can combine your star tattoo with flowers, butterflies, sun, moon, zodiac, hearts, quotes and many more.
Star tattoos can be in different sizes: small, medium and large. They can be done on any part of your body. Women like to have a star tattoo on their neck, shoulder hand, face, wrist, legs, lower and upper backs. Men prefer to have it on arms, back, fingers, neck, shoulder and so on.When star tattoos are done they look amazing and unique. The colors that are used for star tattoo designs differ from the darkest to lightest. Many girls prefer to have colorful and bright star tattoos in small sizes, while men try to wear dark colored big ones.
In these pictures you will find wonderful ideas of star tattoos. Enjoy!