Wallpaper Detail
Can’t find the perfect wallpaper for your phone, laptop, or PC?
there is this website called unsplash.com @unsplash, it grants you an irrevocable, nonexclusive, worldwide copyright license to download, copy, modify, distribute, perform, and use photos from Unsplash for free as wallpapers, etc including for commercial purposes like a website that sells a product or a service and note that you cannot sell an Unsplash photographer’s photo without first updating, modifying, or otherwise incorporating new creative elements into the photos.
I have been using Unsplash for more than 2 years now and I’ve been so happy since the moment I opened that website on my browser.
I hope you find this post helpful and have a great day!!?
Photos By:
1st one: https://unsplash.com/@vishwanth07
2nd one: https://unsplash.com/@kennykarlys
3rd one: https://unsplash.com/@jlondonbaker
4th one: https://unsplash.com/@szabolcs_taking_pictures
5th one: https://unsplash.com/@jessicamaephotographyga
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